Privacy Policy


You should always feel safe when you submit your personal data to Pharmadule Morimatsu AB (the "Company" or "Pharmadule"). With this Privacy Policy, Pharmadule wants to show how the Company ensures that your personal data is processed in accordance with the EU Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EC ("GDPR"). Pharmadule protects your privacy and believes that personal integrity is of the utmost importance. The Company therefore takes your privacy very seriously. 

By using Pharmadule's services, you accept this privacy policy and our processing of your personal data. It is therefore important that you read and understand this personal data policy before using the Company's services. 

In this Privacy Policy: 

  • General     
  • Personal data controller     
  • Personal data stored and to which purpose 
  • Cookies 
  • Storage time 
  • Protection and sharing of your personal data 
  • Your rights


This Privacy Policy describes how Pharmadule processes personal data about you as a user of our website, when you contact us and when you apply for a job. This Privacy Policy also describes your rights and how you can exercise your rights towards the Company. 

Pharmadule has the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. If so, the Company will publish the adjusted Privacy Policy on with information on when the changes will take effect. 


Pharmadule Morimatsu AB, 556846-4910, is responsible for the processing of your personal data, and is thus responsible for ensuring that your data is handled correctly and securely in accordance with applicable legislation. 

If you have questions about how the Company handles your personal data or if you want to exercise your rights, the easiest way is to contact the Company by e-mail


Pharmadule's policy means that we handle and store as little of your information as possible. Pharmadule may collect the following personal data from you when you use Pharmadule's services:

  • Name 
  • Social security number 
  • E-mail address 
  • Telephone number 
  • IP address 
  • Address 

Pharmadule will also collect the following information about you:

  • Job title 
  • Company name 
  • Company address 
  • Such information you provide in contact with us. For example, information in your CV, personal letter, email.  

(i) When you contact us 

If you provide your personal data when you contact us, we process this to answer your question and, where applicable, maintain contact. The primary data is your name and contact details, but also other information you provide to us.  

The legal basis is partly consent, where you have agreed to provide your contact information to get an answer to your question or to have a business contact. The legal basis is also balancing of interests where Pharmadule has a legitimate interest in being able to administer its relationships and maintain business contacts.  

(ii) When you apply for a job with us 

When you apply for a job with us, we handle personal data related to this. It is primarily name, social security number, contact details and information related to your study and work experiences as well as other information you state on your CV or in a personal letter and at an interview.  

The legal basis is partly consent where you have consented to share your personal data for the recruitment process, but also legitimate interest where the Company has a justified interest in being able to compare candidates and access relevant information relating to the position you applied for. 

(iii) When you use our website 

When you use our website, technical data may be collected. This means information generated when you use the website such as information about the operating system and other technology of the device you are using, period of visit to the website, when the website was last opened, visit history on the website, information about possible crashes, etc. The legal basis for processing personal data in these cases is a balance of interests where Pharmadule's interest in being able to make improvements and draw conclusions based on the user pattern outweighs the user's interest in protecting this data. We also use cookies, which you can read more about under section 4. 


We use cookies to improve your website visit, our services and our website. We also use cookies for overall analytical information regarding your use of our services, to save functional settings and to be able to target relevant marketing to you. You can change the settings in your browser for the use and scope of cookies. Examples of such adjustment are to block all cookies or to delete cookies when you close your browser. 

Briefly about Cookies 
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and are used to follow what you do on the website. There are two types of cookies: persistent cookies and session cookies. 

Persistent cookies 
A persistent cookie remains on the visitor's computer for a certain period of time. These are used to improve the website by obtaining statistics on how a visitor uses the website, such as which articles are read the most and how users move in the navigation. 

Session cookies 
A session cookie is temporarily stored in the computer's memory while a visitor is on a web page. Session cookies disappear when you close your browser. On this website, session cookies are used to manage information that you provide when using our services. 


Pharmadule stores personal data only as long as it is necessary to fulfil the goals for which the data was collected or as long as the company is obliged to store personal data in accordance with law. 

- When contacting us: 2 years for private individuals, 5 years for names of company representatives or until the information is deemed out of date.  

- When applying for a job with us: 2 years. 

- When using our website: 1 year. 

In some cases, personal data may be stored longer to protect the company's legal interests, e.g., in a legal process. The personal data is then deleted. 


To make you to feel safe when you submit your personal data to us, the Company has taken the necessary security measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized access, change and deletion.

Pharmadule may share personal information with third parties in cases where you have consented or if there is another legal basis for such processing. However, the company acknowledges that this should be done restrictively. In such cases, the Company always takes the necessary measures to ensure that your data is handled in a secure manner.

The Company always strives to process and store your personal data within the EU/EEA. The user should be aware that regulations outside the EU/EEA may mean less protection for your personal data.

Should your personal data need to be transferred and stored outside the EU/EEA, the Company chooses these suppliers with the utmost care and regarding your privacy. Pharmadule will also take all necessary security measures to ensure that your personal data is handled securely and with an adequate level of protection (for example, using approved standard clauses and additional appropriate security measures).

You can read more about the Standard Contractual Clauses and obtain a copy at:

As the Company is part of a global group, the Company may share personal data with its owners, who are based in, among other places, Shanghai. Transfers of personal data to these countries are never made without your specific consent each time such transfer may be relevant.

By entering a recruitment process and applying for a position with the company but outside EU/EEA, you have consented to Pharmadule sharing your personal data for the recruitment process in either Shanghai, Singapore, US or India subsidiary. Transfers of personal data, other than for recruitment processes, to these countries are never made without your specific consent each time such transfer may be relevant.


Free register extract  

Provided that Pharmadule is the data controller, you have, at any time, the right to receive a register extract free of charge with information about what personal data is registered about you, the purposes of the processing of this personal data and information about where this personal data has been obtained from, and to which recipients the data has been provided or will be disclosed. You also have the right to receive information in the register extract about the anticipated period during which the data will be stored or the criteria used to determine this period. You also have the right to know about the existence of automated decision-making (including profiling). Requests for access to such information must be in writing and sent to Pharmadule at the address stated below under section 2 "Personal Data Controller". 

Data portability 

You have the right to data portability, i.e., the right, under certain conditions, to obtain and transfer your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format to another personal data controller. 


Correct and delete 

Pharmadule will, at your request or on its own initiative, correct, de-identify, supplement, or delete information that is found to be incorrect, incomplete, or misleading. In some cases, the Company is obliged to process your personal data even though you have requested that it be deleted, for example in connection with the right to freedom of expression and information, to comply with a legal obligation or to perform a task of public interest.

Restrict usage 

In certain cases, you have the right to demand that the processing of personal data be restricted. Restriction means that the data is marked so that in the future it may only be processed for certain limited purposes. 

Withdraw consent 

In cases where you have previously given consent to the processing of your personal data, you have the right to withdraw that consent. 

Automated decision-making 

You have the right to object to processing based solely on automated decision-making (which includes profiling) when that decision-making has a legal effect on you or in any other way significantly affects you. 

We do not engage in fully automated decision-making that has a legal or in any manner significant effect using customer data. 

Exercising rights, asking questions or making complaints 

If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, if you have any questions regarding personal data held by the Company, if you have questions about this Privacy Policy or if you are dissatisfied with the Company's processing of your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact Pharmadule, whose contact details can be found under section 2 of this Policy.

You also have the right to submit a complaint to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (


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This website uses cookies to improve your user experience, to provide a basis for improvement and further development of the website and to be able to direct more relevant offers to you.

Feel free to read ours privacy policy. If you agree to our use, choose Accept all. If you want to change your choice afterwards, you will find that option at the bottom of the page.
